Motherly Jungle Guide
Unknown-Age Unknown Ancestry Female
Camp Vengeance
A jungle guide who is more than meets the eye.
§ | Interactions |
021 | #RestoreEku The party discussed options regarding Eku and her corruption. They entertained heading to the Sage of Orolunga to find out more about both the Death Curse and helping Eku. They discussed going back to Cedany's Manor to put her in the Chrono Room. Ultimately, they decided to proceed to Camp Vengeance to drop off Eku and then straight to Mbala. |
021 | Undril warned the party that Camp Vengeance might be hostile to "heathens" and to allowing Eku to board there while they go to Mbala. This is upsetting, particularly since she suggested they make haste there when discussing what to do with Eku earlier. |
021 | #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet #CampVengeanceBlues The party meets Niles Breakbone who is a piece of shit. They deliver Undril Silvertusk's missive and negotiate a deal with Niles to house Eku for a period of time in exchange for investigating the undead problem. Afterwards, Niles Breakbone meets with Undril alone. |
021 | #CampVengeanceBlues #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party talks to Wulf Rygor, who tells them the undead issue has been going on for a few weeks. He says tensions are high and talk of mutiny is afoot. He suspects Sister Cyas may be involved, as she has been an outspoken critic of this mission and of Niles. The party sends Undril Silvertusk, Wulf and Eku to their tents as they set out to meet Sister Cyas in the infirmary tent. |
020 | The party sets out from Camp Righteous, inspecting the two canoes left over and taking the sturdier one (which still isn't too sturdy). Further down river, Sivan can see a bunch of small black forest spirits gathering on the shore. Eku is the only other person who can see them. She calls them chwingas and notes that it's unusual to have so many gather in one place. |
020 | #SeedOfCorruption Sivan shoots the triceratops and it doesn't seem to affect the corruption much. Ladmon casts gust of wind on the triceratops which gives some clearance, revealing a wound. With the area clear, Griselka removes the object embedded within the wound. He and Eku seal the wound with greater restoration, which isolated the corruption to the back half. The party decides to give the baby triceratops a merciless death. Sivan is sad. |
020 | #battle #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku A giant corrupted treant and void motes appear from near the pond and a battle commences. Zinyra ultimately destroying the Treant with a holy smite, divine energy exploding outward. However it is too late, as the Mother Tree has become corrupted. Eku tries unsuccessfully to save it. In desperation, she reveals her true form: a couatl. Eku then wraps herself around the Mother Tree, stopping the corruption in its tracks but at great cost to herself. |
020 | #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku Eku is dying from the corruption she transferred from the Mother Tree to herself. She tells the party of a great evil that lives in Mbala. A hag who has placed a curse upon Eku, preventing her from using her full couatl powers to restore herself. If they break this curse, she might survive the corruption. Otherwise, she will continue to diminish. Undril Silvertusk offers Camp Vengeance as a place Eku can stay to rest. |
019 | #YuanTiRevenge After the battle was over, the party retreated into the ruins to make camp and rest, keeping watch in shifts. The first shift was Griselka and Eku, in which Griselka told Eku of the Yuan-ti taking and possibly killing his brethren. Eku sympathized and provided encouragement. She also said that much growth lay ahead for him. She talked about Dendar the Night Serpent of old ruling with Ubtao in harmony before being corrupted. She said the Yuan-ti of Chult were created from Dendar and, with Dendar, have become corrupted. |
018 | The party sets out in their canoes. They come upon river rapids, which they navigated deftly until a series of unfortunate events sent them tumbling over a waterfall. One of the two canoes was damaged along with the party's ego. Eku and Undril Silvertusk escaped safely in the other canoe. |
015 | The party barely escapes after Eku and Undril Silvertusk almost die from the mechanical creations. |
014 | The party has a tense exchange with Malliath after the fight. She is a unicorn blood addict carrying a unicorn head in her bag. Zinyra wanted to let her go while Sivan wanted retribution for this foul injustice. Malliath escapes with the head, leaving behind a unicorn horn in the process. After a brief discussion on the merits of keeping the horn with Eku, Griselka keeps the horn and consumes part of the unicorn flesh. |
013 | The party conducts four interviews of jungle guides. First, they interview Azaka Stormfang. She insists they go to Firefinger on a revenge mission before she takes them anywhere else in the jungle. Second, they interview Eku. She is kind and grandmotherly, but strangely knows a lot about the party already. She offers to be a guide but will leave if any evil is done. Third, they interview Musharib. He is strange and only talks directly to Ladmon. He agrees to take them wherever, but talks obsessively of his old home Hrakhamar. Finally, they interview Shago, who seems like a lot of bluster and false confidence. |
013 | After some discussion, the party decides to take Eku as their jungle guide. They inform Eku and Undril Silvertusk that they plan to leave first thing tomorrow morning. |