Griselka Swampstrider


Adult Lizardfolk Male

Current party member who seeks revenge on the Yuan-ti.


§ Interactions
022 #battle Suspecting occult infected in the Infirmary, Griselka Swampstrider moves to the center of the Tent and casts Heal. A number of wounded soldiers respond to this and turn into fungal zombies. A fight ensues with Sister Cyas fighting alongside them.
020 #SeedOfCorruption They follow the chwingas in to the forest to a clearing where a black mass is undulating and writhing around. The mass is revealed to be a fully grown triceratops and another creature (which Sivan surmises is the baby). The Chwingas have created a ring around the two animals. Griselka talks to the mother triceratops, summoning his spirit totem, and negotiates access to the child to try to save it.
020 #SeedOfCorruption Sivan shoots the triceratops and it doesn't seem to affect the corruption much. Ladmon casts gust of wind on the triceratops which gives some clearance, revealing a wound. With the area clear, Griselka removes the object embedded within the wound. He and Eku seal the wound with greater restoration, which isolated the corruption to the back half. The party decides to give the baby triceratops a merciless death. Sivan is sad.
019 As the party exits the ruins, Griselka notices that some new slashes were in the tents in camp. While attempting to act cool, Griselka and Ladmon alert those waiting to ambush them of their presence. A few goblins step out and demand they leave the treasure from the ruins or lose their lives.
019 #YuanTiRevenge After the battle was over, the party retreated into the ruins to make camp and rest, keeping watch in shifts. The first shift was Griselka and Eku, in which Griselka told Eku of the Yuan-ti taking and possibly killing his brethren. Eku sympathized and provided encouragement. She also said that much growth lay ahead for him. She talked about Dendar the Night Serpent of old ruling with Ubtao in harmony before being corrupted. She said the Yuan-ti of Chult were created from Dendar and, with Dendar, have become corrupted.
017 Griselka finds a ring that holds Cedany Bladewalker's soul and he tosses it into a river.
014 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet As the party is preparing to leave, Undril Silvertusk interrupts them. Undril tells the party she read the missives she was tasked with delivering to Camp Vengeance. The letter denied additional aid to the Camp from higher-ups in the Order of the Gauntlet. Undril is concerned and asks the party to head to the Camp with haste. Griselka is hesitant but at Zinyra’s insistence the party agreed.
014 The party has a tense exchange with Malliath after the fight. She is a unicorn blood addict carrying a unicorn head in her bag. Zinyra wanted to let her go while Sivan wanted retribution for this foul injustice. Malliath escapes with the head, leaving behind a unicorn horn in the process. After a brief discussion on the merits of keeping the horn with Eku, Griselka keeps the horn and consumes part of the unicorn flesh.
014 #SeedOfCorruption #DeathCurse After consuming the unicorn flesh, Griselka discovers a small seed of corruption that he associates as similar to the Death Curse. He shares this with the party before they move on.
012 Griselka and Big Honker's racing victory celebration is cut short as undead invade from the jungles. The party finds themselves trapped outside the city walls in Malar's Throat, with undead pouring off the cliffside into the ravine below.
011 #DinosaurRacing Griselka participates in the dinosaur races using the juvenile t-rex named Big Honker. Between Big Honker's strength and endurance and Griselka's druidic magic, Griselka handedly wins the race.
010 #battle #AlmirajCup The final round is a fight against a massive hydra. Thanks to some clever tactics by Griselka, the party emerges victorious in a very close battle.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Megamen and Vivi investigate Kwayothe's library, where they find the Nullstone and take it. They reunite with Griselka on the balcony after his fight with Ixis. The three of them figure out there is a Keystone that must be found. Based on earlier reconnaissance by Vivi and Griselka, they suspect the Keystone is in Kwayothe's office downstairs.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Griselka transforms back into a monkey and climbs down to the office window. Vivi attempts to sneak down to the office with the Nullstone in her possession. Vivi runs into Selu, the head of Kwayothe's household, and uses the name Korhie Donadrue to get past him and the guard outside of the office.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Inside the office, Vivi lets Griselka in from the balcony. They successfully find the Keystone after the Nullstone's anti-magic properties suppress the magic concealing it. Griselka takes the Keystone in monkey form back up the wall to Kwayothe's Library, where Megamen uses it to open a secret passage.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe The party plans to infiltrate Kwayothe's Gala. They decide Vivi, Megamen, and Griselka will sneak around the back to search for ways into private portions of the villa while the rest of the party gathers information at the event.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe From an "off-screen" information gathering event, Griselka and Vivi had learned there is a Nullstone generating an anti-magic field in Kwayothe's Library, and suspect the documents are being kept there. Furthermore, they suspect the Nullstone somehow plays a roll in hiding the incriminating evidence. They also learned that Ixis and Indar are some sort of devil.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe Meanwhile, Megamen, Vivi and Griselka infiltrate the villa from the cliffside wall. Griselka wildshapes into a monkey to assist with reconnaissance. Griselka is able to get Vivi inside the compound while Megamen gets in on her own, but on the opposite side of the second floor as the other two.
007 #battle #TakeDownKwayothe Griselka runs into the succubus Ixis as he attempted to gain entry into the villa himself. Instead of running, he thorn whips her into the water. With his aquatic lizardfolk abilities, Griselka draws the fight to a stalemate, forcing Ixis to planeshift and flee.
006 #DinosaurRacing The party heads to the Dinosaur Pens and meets with Cenisara to pick out a dinosaur. Griselka picks out a juvenile T-rex named Big Honker and claims him for the race.
004 The party arrived on the docks of Port Nyanzaru. They came upon two provincial Chultans from deep within the jungle—a lizardfolk named Griselka Swampstrider and an albino dwarf named Ladmon—who were confused by the concept of customs agents. The party got roped into an altercation between the newcomers and the agents and the six of them slipped away after they charmed the customs officer to leave them alone.
004 #DendarsAmulet Griselka notices a snake-like amulet of Dendar the Night Serpent, a native Chultan primal deity worshipped by the Yuan-ti. Zinyra takes possession of the amulet.