

Cursed Merchant Prince
Middle-Aged Human Female
Port Nyanzaru

One of Port Nyanzaru's Merchant Princes dealing in herbs and poisons. Stricken with the Death Curse.


§ Interactions
013 #RedWizards The party receives a letter from Jessamine, who states that the Red Wizards have been "driven out" of Port Nyanzaru. Megamen announces she is separating from the party to chase the Red Wizards into the jungle.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The following morning, the party meets with Jessamine. They make the case for keeping the documents with Wakanga O'tamu as evidence in front of the Goldenthrone. Jessamine agrees so it doesn’t appear she was involved in the acquisition of the documents.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces #RedWizards #HelpingZitembe Jessamine gives the party gold, a pair of magic boots and information about the Red Wizards of Thay. She tells them they are here primarily because of the Death Curse. She says they are also looking for the Crimson Demon clan leader Artus Cimber, due to the rumor of a powerful artifact in his possession. She also promises to drive the Red Wizards out of the city in order to aid Grandfather Zitembe.
006 #MerchantPrinces The party receives a letter requesting an audience with Jessamine, one of the city's Merchant Princes, who was impressed by their prowess at Executioner's Run. The party heads toward the Merchants' Ward with plans to meet Jessamine and then Grandfather Zitembe at the Temple of Savras.
006 #TakeDownKwayothe #DeathCurse #MerchantPrinces Jessamine meets the party. They notice she is afflicted by the Death Curse. She provides some political context, stating that Port Nyanzaru's independence was recent and there are elements within the city trying to undermine that. She asks the party to find evidence that Kwayothe is working with the Flaming Fist to re-exert colonial control of the city. In exchange, she offers resources and favor for their investigation.
006 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The party accepts the offer and Jessamine provides details of an upcoming Gala being hosted by Kwayothe in celebration of Chultan Independence. She advises the party to scout Kwayothe's Villa and to be mindful of her two consorts, Ixis and Indar, who appear to be more than meets the eye. She suspects any evidence would be kept in Kwayothe's personal library or master bedroom.
004 #battle #ExecutionersRun #MerchantPrinces With the day's gauntlet being overseen by the Merchant Prince Jessamine, the party successfully battles its way through a series of traps, obstacles and monsters before reaching the end with no fatalities - a first in the Run's history! This impressed Jessamine.