Adult Gnome Female
A former fire-obsessed party member who died from a garbage monster.
§ | Interactions |
006 | #FindArtusCimber The party is approached by Megamen, sister to the deceased Megumin. She overheard the interaction between the Red Wizards and Grandfather Zitembe. She is also looking for Artus Cimber, and asks to join with the party if it means stopping the Red Wizards. |
005 | #DumpsterDiving Megumin wants to find black market spells to aid in their shopping experience. The party wanders into the Old City where they encounter Pockmarked Po, one of the Beggar Princes. He agrees to source the black market spell in exchange for the party clearing out a monster in the nearby Refuse Pit. |
005 | #battle #death #DumpsterDiving The party explores the Refuse Pit and faces off with a Gibbering Mouther. The monster pulls Megumin in close with its tentacles and kills her on a critical strike. The party defeats the creature and finds a ring with the engraving M.T. inside of its corpse. The party mourns Megumin's death. |
001 | #DeathCurse Captain Curry, Marcus Rhodesseus, Megumin, Sivan, Vivi, and Zinyra gathered for the funeral of Amber the Dogged - their gnomish friend who passed from the Death Curse. They share a few awkward eulogies. |
001 | Before arriving at Baldur's Gate, intense discussion ensued over how to deal with the lich's phylactery. Knowing that the lich would rematerialize in short order and at full power, the party agreed to destroy the spellbook. However, Megumin insisted on holding on to the spellbook for a couple of hours: allowing her to scribe a few spells from the book onto her own. Afterwards, Zinyra smote the book with her righteous fury, defeating the lich and freeing Cloakwood from her evil grasp. |