Adult Elf Female
A wood elf ranger wanting to save the Chultan wildlife.
§ | Interactions |
021 | They arrive at a dilapidated Camp Vengeance where everybody is diseased and in poor spirits. Wulf takes them to see Niles Breakbone. On the way they detect undead (using Sivan's bow and Zinyra's divine sense) from the infirmary tents. |
020 | The party sets out from Camp Righteous, inspecting the two canoes left over and taking the sturdier one (which still isn't too sturdy). Further down river, Sivan can see a bunch of small black forest spirits gathering on the shore. Eku is the only other person who can see them. She calls them chwingas and notes that it's unusual to have so many gather in one place. |
020 | #SeedOfCorruption They follow the chwingas in to the forest to a clearing where a black mass is undulating and writhing around. The mass is revealed to be a fully grown triceratops and another creature (which Sivan surmises is the baby). The Chwingas have created a ring around the two animals. Griselka talks to the mother triceratops, summoning his spirit totem, and negotiates access to the child to try to save it. |
020 | #SeedOfCorruption Sivan shoots the triceratops and it doesn't seem to affect the corruption much. Ladmon casts gust of wind on the triceratops which gives some clearance, revealing a wound. With the area clear, Griselka removes the object embedded within the wound. He and Eku seal the wound with greater restoration, which isolated the corruption to the back half. The party decides to give the baby triceratops a merciless death. Sivan is sad. |
020 | The chwinga beckon Sivan deeper in to the forest where they find the Mother Tree, a spiritual nexus point in the Forest. They all eat of its sap, gaining the ability to see the chwinga. The party took turns looking in to the nearby pond, seeing themselves past, present, and future, but then the images in the pond turn very dark as images of death abound. |
019 | The second shift was Ladmon and Sivan. Sivan disclosed her interest in coming to Chult to seek out new and interesting animals and help them. Ladmon expressed his enthusiasm for tej at length and talked about his own past and connection with the earth. |
017 | #ShieldGuardianVorn In the aftermath of battle, they search Cedany's Manor. Sivan finds more information about Timor Bram and the shield guardian Vorn. Specifically, that Cedany Bladewalker hired batiri goblins to murder her old master Timor. The goblins were supposed to retrieve Vorn's control amulet for Cedany, but she was in turn betrayed. Cedany believed that the goblins of Yellyark actually found the control amulet on Timor's body but have kept it for themselves. |
015 | #ShieldGuardianVorn Through the unhinged ramblings of Cedany Bladewalker, it becomes clear she knew of the dead artificer Timor Bram (creator of the shield guardian Vorn). Sivan questions Cedany about this. It seems she was an apprentice of Timor and accuses him of stealing her work to create Vorn. |
014 | The party has a tense exchange with Malliath after the fight. She is a unicorn blood addict carrying a unicorn head in her bag. Zinyra wanted to let her go while Sivan wanted retribution for this foul injustice. Malliath escapes with the head, leaving behind a unicorn horn in the process. After a brief discussion on the merits of keeping the horn with Eku, Griselka keeps the horn and consumes part of the unicorn flesh. |
010 | #AlmirajCup #MerchantPrinces The closing ceremonies occur. Ekene-Afa, one of the Merchant Princes, awards the party with the 1st place gold prize. She also gives Sivan a magical bow and Vivi a magical rope for being the crowd favorites during the tournament. |
007 | #TakeDownKwayothe Zinyra, Ladmon, and Sivan enter the Gala through the main gates and head into the courtyard, where they are announced and greeted by various guests. |
007 | Sivan meets the half-dragon Harbormaster Zindar, who seems like a good dude who hates evil and ESPECIALLY pirates. In an obtuse reference to Ixis and Indar, she warns him devils are afoot and to be on-guard at this event. He thanks her and tells her to seek him out at the Harbormaster's Office. |
001 | #DeathCurse Captain Curry, Marcus Rhodesseus, Megumin, Sivan, Vivi, and Zinyra gathered for the funeral of Amber the Dogged - their gnomish friend who passed from the Death Curse. They share a few awkward eulogies. |