Undril Silvertusk


Naive Acolyte
Adult Half-Orc Female
Camp Vengeance

A young acolyte in the Order of the Gauntlet.


§ Interactions
021 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet #CampVengeanceBlues The party meets Niles Breakbone who is a piece of shit. They deliver Undril Silvertusk's missive and negotiate a deal with Niles to house Eku for a period of time in exchange for investigating the undead problem. Afterwards, Niles Breakbone meets with Undril alone.
021 #CampVengeanceBlues #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party talks to Wulf Rygor, who tells them the undead issue has been going on for a few weeks. He says tensions are high and talk of mutiny is afoot. He suspects Sister Cyas may be involved, as she has been an outspoken critic of this mission and of Niles. The party sends Undril Silvertusk, Wulf and Eku to their tents as they set out to meet Sister Cyas in the infirmary tent.
020 #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku Eku is dying from the corruption she transferred from the Mother Tree to herself. She tells the party of a great evil that lives in Mbala. A hag who has placed a curse upon Eku, preventing her from using her full couatl powers to restore herself. If they break this curse, she might survive the corruption. Otherwise, she will continue to diminish. Undril Silvertusk offers Camp Vengeance as a place Eku can stay to rest.
018 The party sets out in their canoes. They come upon river rapids, which they navigated deftly until a series of unfortunate events sent them tumbling over a waterfall. One of the two canoes was damaged along with the party's ego. Eku and Undril Silvertusk escaped safely in the other canoe.
015 The party barely escapes after Eku and Undril Silvertusk almost die from the mechanical creations.
014 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet As the party is preparing to leave, Undril Silvertusk interrupts them. Undril tells the party she read the missives she was tasked with delivering to Camp Vengeance. The letter denied additional aid to the Camp from higher-ups in the Order of the Gauntlet. Undril is concerned and asks the party to head to the Camp with haste. Griselka is hesitant but at Zinyra’s insistence the party agreed.
013 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party heads to the Thundering Lizard Inn to find a jungle guide. There, they encounter Undril Silvertusk, a member of the Order of the Gauntlet, who is meant to deliver a missive to Camp Vengeance. As a fellow Helm worshipper, Zinyra insists they escort Undril to the Camp.
013 After some discussion, the party decides to take Eku as their jungle guide. They inform Eku and Undril Silvertusk that they plan to leave first thing tomorrow morning.