Volothamp Geddarm


Bombastic World Traveler
Middle-Aged Human Male
Port Nyanzaru

A famous traveler and surveyor of the strange and monstrous.


§ Interactions
012 #battle With Soshen O'tamu's help, the party battle their way through hordes of undead while keeping the townsfolk safe. The fight a zombie Girillon, a zombie t-rex and many skeletons and zombies. As they approached the gates, they recognize Volothamp Geddarm, who had been knocked unconscious during the attack. They drag him to safety, but not before Vivi steals a purple egg from his possession.
012 Safely inside the city gates, Volothamp Geddarm awakens and thanks the party. In exchange for saving his life, Volo gave Vivi a signed copy of "Volo’s Guide to Monsters." Volo made the party promise not to reveal that he was saved and to support his image and that he fought valiantly alongside them to defend Port Nyanzaru.
004 The party arrives at the Thundering Lizard Inn. They see a book-signing is happening by a man called Volothamp Geddarm. They are skeptical and decline to buy his new bestiary.