

Adult Dragonborn Female

Current party member who seeks to save her brother from the Death Curse.


§ Interactions
021 They arrive at a dilapidated Camp Vengeance where everybody is diseased and in poor spirits. Wulf takes them to see Niles Breakbone. On the way they detect undead (using Sivan's bow and Zinyra's divine sense) from the infirmary tents.
020 #battle #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku A giant corrupted treant and void motes appear from near the pond and a battle commences. Zinyra ultimately destroying the Treant with a holy smite, divine energy exploding outward. However it is too late, as the Mother Tree has become corrupted. Eku tries unsuccessfully to save it. In desperation, she reveals her true form: a couatl. Eku then wraps herself around the Mother Tree, stopping the corruption in its tracks but at great cost to herself.
019 #ShieldGuardianVorn They inspect the crude goblin map. Zinyra was the only one having a "dumb enough moment" to understand the map and discern the location of Yellyark - the nearby goblin village where Cedany believed Vorn's control amulet lay.
017 #DendarsAmulet The party finds some journals referencing the name Ras Nsi - the same name etched onto Zinyra's amulet. The party attempts to speak with the golem. It does not respond until Zinyra tries. It follows her commands. Zinyra's amulet speaks to her once again. She learns this Manor used to be the amulet's Tower, although it did not recognize the many changes made. This pocket dimension was his study, and has time-bending properties. The party learn they can speed up and slow down time in here.
016 #DendarsAmulet The party finds themselves in the Orrery, where the doors lock and poisonous gas begins to fill the room. Zinyra's amulet gives a cryptic message about white light opening the way forward.
015 #DendarsAmulet The party enters the Bestiary Room where they are attacked by an endless onslaught of mechanical dinosaur bones and bugs. In their moment of need, Zinyra's amulet speaks with her, informing her it is familiar with the Manor and to run upstairs to escape this fight.
014 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet As the party is preparing to leave, Undril Silvertusk interrupts them. Undril tells the party she read the missives she was tasked with delivering to Camp Vengeance. The letter denied additional aid to the Camp from higher-ups in the Order of the Gauntlet. Undril is concerned and asks the party to head to the Camp with haste. Griselka is hesitant but at Zinyra’s insistence the party agreed.
014 #battle The party leaves by canoe, briefly stopping for the night outside large petrified dragon bones. The following day they encounter a trader named Malliath who is being attacked by swarms of giant centipedes. They dispatch the centipedes with Vivi being bitten in the process. Out of concern for Shivering Sickness, Zinyra heals Vivi.
014 The party has a tense exchange with Malliath after the fight. She is a unicorn blood addict carrying a unicorn head in her bag. Zinyra wanted to let her go while Sivan wanted retribution for this foul injustice. Malliath escapes with the head, leaving behind a unicorn horn in the process. After a brief discussion on the merits of keeping the horn with Eku, Griselka keeps the horn and consumes part of the unicorn flesh.
013 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party heads to the Thundering Lizard Inn to find a jungle guide. There, they encounter Undril Silvertusk, a member of the Order of the Gauntlet, who is meant to deliver a missive to Camp Vengeance. As a fellow Helm worshipper, Zinyra insists they escort Undril to the Camp.
011 #DendarsAmulet At night, Zinyra dreams of a giant many-eyed serpent. She hears a voice speaking of her potential. It asks her desires. Zinyra attacks the serpent to no avail. Finally, she sees a vision of a glimmering city deep in the jungle. Her vision brings her to the gates of the city, where a handsome Chultan man with yellow eyes is cast out of the city gates. He yells: "Fools! After everything I've done for you!? For Mezro!?" He turns and stares at Zinyra before moving towards her. She wakes up and inspects the amulet, which has gone ice cold. Zinyra finds she can understand the language inscribed on her amulet which states: "Bara Ras N’si ti’Mezro" or "Duke Nsi, Immortal Defender of Mezro." Zinyra can now understand Old Omuan.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe Zinyra, Ladmon, and Sivan enter the Gala through the main gates and head into the courtyard, where they are announced and greeted by various guests.
007 #FlamingFist Zinyra meets Korhie Donadrue, a secret Flaming Fist operative pretending to be a mercenary named Kaior Deerhound. He tells Zinyra he is looking for work at the Gala to help secure the shipping routes out of the city.
004 #DendarsAmulet Griselka notices a snake-like amulet of Dendar the Night Serpent, a native Chultan primal deity worshipped by the Yuan-ti. Zinyra takes possession of the amulet.
002 After settling in at the tavern, the party engaged in a number of diversions including: Captain Curry hiring a prostitute for the night and buying questionable potions of sexual vitality at a magic shop; Zinyra attempting to find the Temple of Helm in the middle of the night and getting hopelessly lost (and rescued by Vivi); Captain Curry losing a game of Baldur's Bones in the tavern while Zinyra profited from his loss.
002 #FlamingFist The following morning the party set off to Syndra Silvane's home in the Upper City. They were stopped at a checkpoint by a group of Flaming Fist mercenaries. Vivi snuck past them undetected, while in the process stealing a love letter from the pouch of one of the mercenaries signed by Korhie Donadrue. Zinyra successfully threatened them with her righteous fury and devotion to Helm. The rest of the party just gave them the letter from Syndra that allowed them to pass into the Upper City without issue.
001 #DeathCurse Captain Curry, Marcus Rhodesseus, Megumin, Sivan, Vivi, and Zinyra gathered for the funeral of Amber the Dogged - their gnomish friend who passed from the Death Curse. They share a few awkward eulogies.
001 Before arriving at Baldur's Gate, intense discussion ensued over how to deal with the lich's phylactery. Knowing that the lich would rematerialize in short order and at full power, the party agreed to destroy the spellbook. However, Megumin insisted on holding on to the spellbook for a couple of hours: allowing her to scribe a few spells from the book onto her own. Afterwards, Zinyra smote the book with her righteous fury, defeating the lich and freeing Cloakwood from her evil grasp.