At the Gala!
- #TakeDownKwayothe The party plans to infiltrate Kwayothe's Gala. They decide Vivi, Megamen, and Griselka will sneak around the back to search for ways into private portions of the villa while the rest of the party gathers information at the event.
- #TakeDownKwayothe From an "off-screen" information gathering event, Griselka and Vivi had learned there is a Nullstone generating an anti-magic field in Kwayothe's Library, and suspect the documents are being kept there. Furthermore, they suspect the Nullstone somehow plays a roll in hiding the incriminating evidence. They also learned that Ixis and Indar are some sort of devil.
- #TakeDownKwayothe Zinyra, Ladmon, and Sivan enter the Gala through the main gates and head into the courtyard, where they are announced and greeted by various guests.
- Sivan meets the half-dragon Harbormaster Zindar, who seems like a good dude who hates evil and ESPECIALLY pirates. In an obtuse reference to Ixis and Indar, she warns him devils are afoot and to be on-guard at this event. He thanks her and tells her to seek him out at the Harbormaster's Office.
- #MerchantPrinces Ladmon meets Wakanga O'tamu, one of the Merchant Princes. They discuss albino dwarf things before Ladmon mentions the Harpers. Wakanga asks him to come by his villa some time after the Gala to discuss the Harpers further as they may have shared interests.
- #FlamingFist Zinyra meets Korhie Donadrue, a secret Flaming Fist operative pretending to be a mercenary named Kaior Deerhound. He tells Zinyra he is looking for work at the Gala to help secure the shipping routes out of the city.
- #TakeDownKwayothe Meanwhile, Megamen, Vivi and Griselka infiltrate the villa from the cliffside wall. Griselka wildshapes into a monkey to assist with reconnaissance. Griselka is able to get Vivi inside the compound while Megamen gets in on her own, but on the opposite side of the second floor as the other two.
- #battle #TakeDownKwayothe Griselka runs into the succubus Ixis as he attempted to gain entry into the villa himself. Instead of running, he thorn whips her into the water. With his aquatic lizardfolk abilities, Griselka draws the fight to a stalemate, forcing Ixis to planeshift and flee.
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
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