- #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The party has a tense exchange in the courtyard, as Selu accuses them of being involved in Kwayothe's murder. Wakanga O'tamu intervenes on the party's behalf and extricates them as the authorities arrive.
- Zindar takes the Nullstone from the party to keep Ixis's dangerous charm on him suppressed until it wears off.
- #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces Wakanga O'tamu invites the party to stay the night as his villa. On the way to his place, they tell him about the documents they found outlining Kwayothe's betrayal of the other Merchant Princes.
- #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The following morning, the party meets with Jessamine. They make the case for keeping the documents with Wakanga O'tamu as evidence in front of the Goldenthrone. Jessamine agrees so it doesn’t appear she was involved in the acquisition of the documents.
- #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces #RedWizards #HelpingZitembe Jessamine gives the party gold, a pair of magic boots and information about the Red Wizards of Thay. She tells them they are here primarily because of the Death Curse. She says they are also looking for the Crimson Demon clan leader Artus Cimber, due to the rumor of a powerful artifact in his possession. She also promises to drive the Red Wizards out of the city in order to aid Grandfather Zitembe.]
...And Fighting
- #AlmirajCup #DinosaurRacing Today is the first day of Ofala - a two day celebration of Chultan independence from Amn. The city has transformed with decorations, new vendors and treats. The main event of Day 1 is the Almiraj Cup - a combat tournament at the Grand Coliseum. On the second day the main event is dinosaur racing.
- #battle #AlmirajCup The party heads to the Grand Coliseum to fight in the Almiraj Cup. The first round is a fight against Russell the Crow and the Bed Inspectors (characters from Andrew's campaign Curse of Strahd.) The party ultimately prevailed and beat the opposing group.
- #AlmirajCup During that fight, there was a wild magic field whose surges caused strange things to occur during the fight. Ladmon is turned orange and can shoot spells out of his eyes. Vivi's blood turns into acid upon decapitation. Megamen experiences pain whenever she closes a book.
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
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