A Goblin Showdown
- As the party exits the ruins, Griselka notices that some new slashes were in the tents in camp. While attempting to act cool, Griselka and Ladmon alert those waiting to ambush them of their presence. A few goblins step out and demand they leave the treasure from the ruins or lose their lives.
- #battle Combat ensues with the party quickly dispatching the goblin boss, Yokka. Sokka, the hobgoblin captain who had spoken first, realizes their chances of victory are slim. He instructs the others to stand down and negotiates their safe exit in exchange for his armor and a map.
- #ShieldGuardianVorn They inspect the crude goblin map. Zinyra was the only one having a "dumb enough moment" to understand the map and discern the location of Yellyark - the nearby goblin village where Cedany believed Vorn's control amulet lay.
- #YuanTiRevenge After the battle was over, the party retreated into the ruins to make camp and rest, keeping watch in shifts. The first shift was Griselka and Eku, in which Griselka told Eku of the Yuan-ti taking and possibly killing his brethren. Eku sympathized and provided encouragement. She also said that much growth lay ahead for him. She talked about Dendar the Night Serpent of old ruling with Ubtao in harmony before being corrupted. She said the Yuan-ti of Chult were created from Dendar and, with Dendar, have become corrupted.
- The second shift was Ladmon and Sivan. Sivan disclosed her interest in coming to Chult to seek out new and interesting animals and help them. Ladmon expressed his enthusiasm for tej at length and talked about his own past and connection with the earth.
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
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