The Killing Fields
- #RestoreEku The party discussed options regarding Eku and her corruption. They entertained heading to the Sage of Orolunga to find out more about both the Death Curse and helping Eku. They discussed going back to Cedany's Manor to put her in the Chrono Room. Ultimately, they decided to proceed to Camp Vengeance to drop off Eku and then straight to Mbala.
- Undril warned the party that Camp Vengeance might be hostile to "heathens" and to allowing Eku to board there while they go to Mbala. This is upsetting, particularly since she suggested they make haste there when discussing what to do with Eku earlier.
- The group sees crucified zombies along the river's edge as they approach Camp Vengeance. There appears to be fungal growth all over the bodies and they appear undead. Ladmon talks about Yellow Musk plants that zombify beetles and ants but nothing like this.
- #battle #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party disembarks and head through the Killing Fields to get to Camp Vengeance. They are attacked by a horde of fungal undead. They fight off the first wave successfully. As the second wave comes, Wulf Rygor and a platoon of Order soldiers come and hold the zombies back while they escape.
Camp Vengeance
- They arrive at a dilapidated Camp Vengeance where everybody is diseased and in poor spirits. Wulf takes them to see Niles Breakbone. On the way they detect undead (using Sivan's bow and Zinyra's divine sense) from the infirmary tents.
- #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet #CampVengeanceBlues The party meets Niles Breakbone who is a piece of shit. They deliver Undril Silvertusk's missive and negotiate a deal with Niles to house Eku for a period of time in exchange for investigating the undead problem. Afterwards, Niles Breakbone meets with Undril alone.
- #CampVengeanceBlues #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party talks to Wulf Rygor, who tells them the undead issue has been going on for a few weeks. He says tensions are high and talk of mutiny is afoot. He suspects Sister Cyas may be involved, as she has been an outspoken critic of this mission and of Niles. The party sends Undril Silvertusk, Wulf and Eku to their tents as they set out to meet Sister Cyas in the infirmary tent.
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
- N/A (Pre-PF2 refresh)
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