
Major Quests

Seed of Corruption

020 #SeedOfCorruption They follow the chwingas in to the forest to a clearing where a black mass is undulating and writhing around. The mass is revealed to be a fully grown triceratops and another creature (which Sivan surmises is the baby). The Chwingas have created a ring around the two animals. Griselka talks to the mother triceratops, summoning his spirit totem, and negotiates access to the child to try to save it.
020 #SeedOfCorruption Sivan shoots the triceratops and it doesn't seem to affect the corruption much. Ladmon casts gust of wind on the triceratops which gives some clearance, revealing a wound. With the area clear, Griselka removes the object embedded within the wound. He and Eku seal the wound with greater restoration, which isolated the corruption to the back half. The party decides to give the baby triceratops a merciless death. Sivan is sad.
020 #battle #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku A giant corrupted treant and void motes appear from near the pond and a battle commences. Zinyra ultimately destroying the Treant with a holy smite, divine energy exploding outward. However it is too late, as the Mother Tree has become corrupted. Eku tries unsuccessfully to save it. In desperation, she reveals her true form: a couatl. Eku then wraps herself around the Mother Tree, stopping the corruption in its tracks but at great cost to herself.
020 #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku Eku is dying from the corruption she transferred from the Mother Tree to herself. She tells the party of a great evil that lives in Mbala. A hag who has placed a curse upon Eku, preventing her from using her full couatl powers to restore herself. If they break this curse, she might survive the corruption. Otherwise, she will continue to diminish. Undril Silvertusk offers Camp Vengeance as a place Eku can stay to rest.
014 #SeedOfCorruption #DeathCurse After consuming the unicorn flesh, Griselka discovers a small seed of corruption that he associates as similar to the Death Curse. He shares this with the party before they move on.

Stop the Death Curse

013 #HelpingZitembe #StopTheDeathCurse #DeathCurse With the Red Wizards gone, the party heads to the Temple of Savras to meet with Grandfather Zitembe. They ask him to divine the location of the Soulmonger. He has a vision of a lost city deep in the jungle. The vision is overtaken by a malevolent undead presence that strikes Zitembe down. In a profoundly weakened state, Zitembe relays the vision's contents to the party. Zitembe fears he has permanently lost his Sight from that vision.
011 #MerchantPrinces #StopTheDeathCurse #TheMissingHarper #HelpingZitembe The party finishes day 1 of the Ofala festival and returns to Wakanga O'tamu's villa. They find Syndra Silvane waiting for them alongside Wakanga. They update her on their current quests: the missing Harpers contact Soggy Wren; the Red Wizards looking for the Soulmonger and Artus Cimber; and their lead on Grandfather Zitembe being able to possibly help them divine the Soulmonger's location. She encourages them to continue their search.
006 #HelpingZitembe #StopTheDeathCurse The party approaches Grandfather Zitembe. They agree to help him drive off the Red Wizards from Port Nyanzaru. In exchange, he will divine the location of the Soulmonger for them.
004 #StopTheDeathCurse Soggy Wren's letter has no significant leads for the location of the Soulmonger, however it suggests Grandfather Zitembe at the Temple of Savras may be a good source of information.
001 #DeathCellar #StopTheDeathCurse The information successfully obtained, Syndra Silvane rewarded the party with gold and asked for them to meet her at her domicile in three days' time in Baldur's Gate - where she will task the party with a quest to seek out the Soulmonger and put a stop to the Death Curse. The party agreed and set sail for Baldur's Gate.

Personal Quests

Revenge on the Yuan-ti (Griselka)

019 #YuanTiRevenge After the battle was over, the party retreated into the ruins to make camp and rest, keeping watch in shifts. The first shift was Griselka and Eku, in which Griselka told Eku of the Yuan-ti taking and possibly killing his brethren. Eku sympathized and provided encouragement. She also said that much growth lay ahead for him. She talked about Dendar the Night Serpent of old ruling with Ubtao in harmony before being corrupted. She said the Yuan-ti of Chult were created from Dendar and, with Dendar, have become corrupted.

Dendar's Amulet (Zinyra)

017 #DendarsAmulet The party finds some journals referencing the name Ras Nsi - the same name etched onto Zinyra's amulet. The party attempts to speak with the golem. It does not respond until Zinyra tries. It follows her commands. Zinyra's amulet speaks to her once again. She learns this Manor used to be the amulet's Tower, although it did not recognize the many changes made. This pocket dimension was his study, and has time-bending properties. The party learn they can speed up and slow down time in here.
016 #DendarsAmulet The party finds themselves in the Orrery, where the doors lock and poisonous gas begins to fill the room. Zinyra's amulet gives a cryptic message about white light opening the way forward.
015 #DendarsAmulet The party enters the Bestiary Room where they are attacked by an endless onslaught of mechanical dinosaur bones and bugs. In their moment of need, Zinyra's amulet speaks with her, informing her it is familiar with the Manor and to run upstairs to escape this fight.
011 #DendarsAmulet At night, Zinyra dreams of a giant many-eyed serpent. She hears a voice speaking of her potential. It asks her desires. Zinyra attacks the serpent to no avail. Finally, she sees a vision of a glimmering city deep in the jungle. Her vision brings her to the gates of the city, where a handsome Chultan man with yellow eyes is cast out of the city gates. He yells: "Fools! After everything I've done for you!? For Mezro!?" He turns and stares at Zinyra before moving towards her. She wakes up and inspects the amulet, which has gone ice cold. Zinyra finds she can understand the language inscribed on her amulet which states: "Bara Ras N’si ti’Mezro" or "Duke Nsi, Immortal Defender of Mezro." Zinyra can now understand Old Omuan.
004 #DendarsAmulet Griselka notices a snake-like amulet of Dendar the Night Serpent, a native Chultan primal deity worshipped by the Yuan-ti. Zinyra takes possession of the amulet.

Find Artus Cimber (Megamen)

006 #FindArtusCimber The party is approached by Megamen, sister to the deceased Megumin. She overheard the interaction between the Red Wizards and Grandfather Zitembe. She is also looking for Artus Cimber, and asks to join with the party if it means stopping the Red Wizards.

Minor Quests

Camp Vengeance Blues

022 #CampVengeanceBlues The party discusses in private whether to murder Niles Breakbone, whom they find very suspicious and unpleasant. They also discuss the current tensions in the Camp, and ultimately decide to head to the Infirmary Tent to meet with Sister Cyas.
022 #CampVengeanceBlues The party arrives at the Infirmary Tent, where they see a caged Leshy and Sister Cyas from across the tent. They approach her and have a discussion about the caged Leshy, the current undead problem plaguing the Camp. She is not super friendly to them. She reports these undead seem different than the usual undead. They are plant (or fungus) like.
022 #CampVengeanceBlues After killing the zombies, Sister Cyas warms up to the Party and they have a further discussion. She theorizes this infection is intentional. She shows the party seed pods that she found around the tent. Bramble recognizes these pods as being similar to a type of plant in the Feywild that uses spores to create mindless zombies to do its bidding. He theorizes these pods might be spreading the infestation. The party also learns the infestation started about 10 days ago after a scouting mission gone awry.
021 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet #CampVengeanceBlues The party meets Niles Breakbone who is a piece of shit. They deliver Undril Silvertusk's missive and negotiate a deal with Niles to house Eku for a period of time in exchange for investigating the undead problem. Afterwards, Niles Breakbone meets with Undril alone.
021 #CampVengeanceBlues #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party talks to Wulf Rygor, who tells them the undead issue has been going on for a few weeks. He says tensions are high and talk of mutiny is afoot. He suspects Sister Cyas may be involved, as she has been an outspoken critic of this mission and of Niles. The party sends Undril Silvertusk, Wulf and Eku to their tents as they set out to meet Sister Cyas in the infirmary tent.

Restore Eku

021 #RestoreEku The party discussed options regarding Eku and her corruption. They entertained heading to the Sage of Orolunga to find out more about both the Death Curse and helping Eku. They discussed going back to Cedany's Manor to put her in the Chrono Room. Ultimately, they decided to proceed to Camp Vengeance to drop off Eku and then straight to Mbala.
020 #battle #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku A giant corrupted treant and void motes appear from near the pond and a battle commences. Zinyra ultimately destroying the Treant with a holy smite, divine energy exploding outward. However it is too late, as the Mother Tree has become corrupted. Eku tries unsuccessfully to save it. In desperation, she reveals her true form: a couatl. Eku then wraps herself around the Mother Tree, stopping the corruption in its tracks but at great cost to herself.
020 #SeedOfCorruption #RestoreEku Eku is dying from the corruption she transferred from the Mother Tree to herself. She tells the party of a great evil that lives in Mbala. A hag who has placed a curse upon Eku, preventing her from using her full couatl powers to restore herself. If they break this curse, she might survive the corruption. Otherwise, she will continue to diminish. Undril Silvertusk offers Camp Vengeance as a place Eku can stay to rest.

Gone Girl

018 #GoneGirl Before leaving Cedany's Manor, the party sends a message via bird to Wakanga O'tamu, updating him about Vivi. The party suspects devils were involved given the woman's appearance, and asks if Wakanga knows: who might have taken her; where they went; and, how to follow.
017 #GoneGirl In her death throes, Cedany Bladewalker attempts to self-destruct and kill Vivi. However right before the explosion, time is stopped and a mysterious blindfolded woman with devil features emerges from a portal. She grabs Vivi and takes her through a portal before time resumes.

Shield Guardian Vorn

019 #ShieldGuardianVorn They inspect the crude goblin map. Zinyra was the only one having a "dumb enough moment" to understand the map and discern the location of Yellyark - the nearby goblin village where Cedany believed Vorn's control amulet lay.
017 #ShieldGuardianVorn In the aftermath of battle, they search Cedany's Manor. Sivan finds more information about Timor Bram and the shield guardian Vorn. Specifically, that Cedany Bladewalker hired batiri goblins to murder her old master Timor. The goblins were supposed to retrieve Vorn's control amulet for Cedany, but she was in turn betrayed. Cedany believed that the goblins of Yellyark actually found the control amulet on Timor's body but have kept it for themselves.
015 #ShieldGuardianVorn Through the unhinged ramblings of Cedany Bladewalker, it becomes clear she knew of the dead artificer Timor Bram (creator of the shield guardian Vorn). Sivan questions Cedany about this. It seems she was an apprentice of Timor and accuses him of stealing her work to create Vorn.
013 #ShieldGuardianVorn With news that the party is planning to head into the jungle soon, Wakanga O'tamu asks a favor. He has the journal of a now deceased artificer named Timor Bram, who had created an extremely powerful magical construct: a shield guardian named Vorn. Based on Wakanga's research and information from the journal, Wakanga believes he knows the location of the shield guardian. However, Vorn only activates with a Control Amulet. Unfortunately, Wakanga does not know the location of the Control Amulet. He promises gold and magical artifacts from his collection if the party brings Vorn to him. He marks Vorn's location on the party's map.

Exotic Tej

013 #ExoticTej The party heads to Hiro, where they collect on their discounted tej. They buy information from Hiro, as well. They learn the recipes for two powerful, enhancing tej and where in the jungle to find the ingredients: the first, on the highest point of Firefinger; and the second, in the gardens of the mythic Garden Palace of old Nangalore.
011 #ExoticTej The party finds a tej vendor stall called the Jasmine Dragon, run by a man named Hiro. Ladmon and Hiro bond over their love of tej. They arrange a discount on rare tej if they win the upcoming dinosaur races and agree to promote Hiro's shop afterwards.

The Missing Harper

011 #MerchantPrinces #StopTheDeathCurse #TheMissingHarper #HelpingZitembe The party finishes day 1 of the Ofala festival and returns to Wakanga O'tamu's villa. They find Syndra Silvane waiting for them alongside Wakanga. They update her on their current quests: the missing Harpers contact Soggy Wren; the Red Wizards looking for the Soulmonger and Artus Cimber; and their lead on Grandfather Zitembe being able to possibly help them divine the Soulmonger's location. She encourages them to continue their search.
004 #TheMissingHarper The party discovers their Harpers contact, Soggy Wren, is missing. Her room was turned over in an apparent struggle. The party instead finds a letter to Syndra Silvane outlining her investigation into the Death Curse.

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Completed Quests

Escort a Priest

013 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet The party heads to the Thundering Lizard Inn to find a jungle guide. There, they encounter Undril Silvertusk, a member of the Order of the Gauntlet, who is meant to deliver a missive to Camp Vengeance. As a fellow Helm worshipper, Zinyra insists they escort Undril to the Camp.
014 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet As the party is preparing to leave, Undril Silvertusk interrupts them. Undril tells the party she read the missives she was tasked with delivering to Camp Vengeance. The letter denied additional aid to the Camp from higher-ups in the Order of the Gauntlet. Undril is concerned and asks the party to head to the Camp with haste. Griselka is hesitant but at Zinyra’s insistence the party agreed.
021 #EscortAPriest #OrderOfTheGauntlet #CampVengeanceBlues The party meets Niles Breakbone who is a piece of shit. They deliver Undril Silvertusk's missive and negotiate a deal with Niles to house Eku for a period of time in exchange for investigating the undead problem. Afterwards, Niles Breakbone meets with Undril alone.

Helping Zitembe

006 #HelpingZitembe #RedWizards The party heads to the Temple of Savras to find Grandfather Zitembe. They find him outside the temple surrounded by a few bald figures clad in red. They listen into the conversation and learn the group are Red Wizards led by a man named Dyrax. They are demanding Zitembe divine for them the location of an individual named Artus Cimber. Zitembe refuses and the Red Wizards leave with threats of escalating violence.
006 #HelpingZitembe #StopTheDeathCurse The party approaches Grandfather Zitembe. They agree to help him drive off the Red Wizards from Port Nyanzaru. In exchange, he will divine the location of the Soulmonger for them.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces #RedWizards #HelpingZitembe Jessamine gives the party gold, a pair of magic boots and information about the Red Wizards of Thay. She tells them they are here primarily because of the Death Curse. She says they are also looking for the Crimson Demon clan leader Artus Cimber, due to the rumor of a powerful artifact in his possession. She also promises to drive the Red Wizards out of the city in order to aid Grandfather Zitembe.
011 #MerchantPrinces #StopTheDeathCurse #TheMissingHarper #HelpingZitembe The party finishes day 1 of the Ofala festival and returns to Wakanga O'tamu's villa. They find Syndra Silvane waiting for them alongside Wakanga. They update her on their current quests: the missing Harpers contact Soggy Wren; the Red Wizards looking for the Soulmonger and Artus Cimber; and their lead on Grandfather Zitembe being able to possibly help them divine the Soulmonger's location. She encourages them to continue their search.
013 #HelpingZitembe #StopTheDeathCurse #DeathCurse With the Red Wizards gone, the party heads to the Temple of Savras to meet with Grandfather Zitembe. They ask him to divine the location of the Soulmonger. He has a vision of a lost city deep in the jungle. The vision is overtaken by a malevolent undead presence that strikes Zitembe down. In a profoundly weakened state, Zitembe relays the vision's contents to the party. Zitembe fears he has permanently lost his Sight from that vision.

Dinosaur Racing

005 #DinosaurRacing The party discusses trying to find a dinosaur so they can participate in the upcoming dinosaur races.
006 #DinosaurRacing The party heads to the Dinosaur Pens and meets with Cenisara to pick out a dinosaur. Griselka picks out a juvenile T-rex named Big Honker and claims him for the race.
009 #AlmirajCup #DinosaurRacing Today is the first day of Ofala - a two day celebration of Chultan independence from Amn. The city has transformed with decorations, new vendors and treats. The main event of Day 1 is the Almiraj Cup - a combat tournament at the Grand Coliseum. On the second day the main event is dinosaur racing.
011 #DinosaurRacing Griselka participates in the dinosaur races using the juvenile t-rex named Big Honker. Between Big Honker's strength and endurance and Griselka's druidic magic, Griselka handedly wins the race.

Almiraj Cup

004 #AlmirajCup On the way to the inn, the party came across two gladiators—a kenku named Russell the Crow and a hobgoblin named Bone Lord— advertising the upcoming gladiatorial tournament.
006 #AlmirajCup The party heads to the Grand Coliseum and registers for the upcoming gladiator games called the Almiraj Cup.
009 #AlmirajCup #DinosaurRacing Today is the first day of Ofala - a two day celebration of Chultan independence from Amn. The city has transformed with decorations, new vendors and treats. The main event of Day 1 is the Almiraj Cup - a combat tournament at the Grand Coliseum. On the second day the main event is dinosaur racing.
009 #battle #AlmirajCup The party heads to the Grand Coliseum to fight in the Almiraj Cup. The first round is a fight against Russell the Crow and the Bed Inspectors (characters from Andrew's campaign Curse of Strahd.) The party ultimately prevailed and beat the opposing group.
009 #AlmirajCup During that fight, there was a wild magic field whose surges caused strange things to occur during the fight. Ladmon is turned orange and can shoot spells out of his eyes. Vivi's blood turns into acid upon decapitation. Megamen experiences pain whenever she closes a book.
010 #AlmirajCup The party has a brief respite after round one, where they speak with the Bed Inspectors. Ansrivarr tells them about Anar.
010 #battle #AlmirajCup Round two begins and the arena has been converted into an aquatic field. The party fights a bunch of bullywogs and a Froghemoth. They are once again victorious.
010 #battle #AlmirajCup The final round is a fight against a massive hydra. Thanks to some clever tactics by Griselka, the party emerges victorious in a very close battle.
010 #AlmirajCup #MerchantPrinces The closing ceremonies occur. Ekene-Afa, one of the Merchant Princes, awards the party with the 1st place gold prize. She also gives Sivan a magical bow and Vivi a magical rope for being the crowd favorites during the tournament.

Take Down Kwayothe

006 #TakeDownKwayothe #DeathCurse #MerchantPrinces Jessamine meets the party. They notice she is afflicted by the Death Curse. She provides some political context, stating that Port Nyanzaru's independence was recent and there are elements within the city trying to undermine that. She asks the party to find evidence that Kwayothe is working with the Flaming Fist to re-exert colonial control of the city. In exchange, she offers resources and favor for their investigation.
006 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The party accepts the offer and Jessamine provides details of an upcoming Gala being hosted by Kwayothe in celebration of Chultan Independence. She advises the party to scout Kwayothe's Villa and to be mindful of her two consorts, Ixis and Indar, who appear to be more than meets the eye. She suspects any evidence would be kept in Kwayothe's personal library or master bedroom.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe The party plans to infiltrate Kwayothe's Gala. They decide Vivi, Megamen, and Griselka will sneak around the back to search for ways into private portions of the villa while the rest of the party gathers information at the event.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe From an "off-screen" information gathering event, Griselka and Vivi had learned there is a Nullstone generating an anti-magic field in Kwayothe's Library, and suspect the documents are being kept there. Furthermore, they suspect the Nullstone somehow plays a roll in hiding the incriminating evidence. They also learned that Ixis and Indar are some sort of devil.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe Zinyra, Ladmon, and Sivan enter the Gala through the main gates and head into the courtyard, where they are announced and greeted by various guests.
007 #TakeDownKwayothe Meanwhile, Megamen, Vivi and Griselka infiltrate the villa from the cliffside wall. Griselka wildshapes into a monkey to assist with reconnaissance. Griselka is able to get Vivi inside the compound while Megamen gets in on her own, but on the opposite side of the second floor as the other two.
007 #battle #TakeDownKwayothe Griselka runs into the succubus Ixis as he attempted to gain entry into the villa himself. Instead of running, he thorn whips her into the water. With his aquatic lizardfolk abilities, Griselka draws the fight to a stalemate, forcing Ixis to planeshift and flee.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Megamen and Vivi investigate Kwayothe's library, where they find the Nullstone and take it. They reunite with Griselka on the balcony after his fight with Ixis. The three of them figure out there is a Keystone that must be found. Based on earlier reconnaissance by Vivi and Griselka, they suspect the Keystone is in Kwayothe's office downstairs.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Griselka transforms back into a monkey and climbs down to the office window. Vivi attempts to sneak down to the office with the Nullstone in her possession. Vivi runs into Selu, the head of Kwayothe's household, and uses the name Korhie Donadrue to get past him and the guard outside of the office.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe Inside the office, Vivi lets Griselka in from the balcony. They successfully find the Keystone after the Nullstone's anti-magic properties suppress the magic concealing it. Griselka takes the Keystone in monkey form back up the wall to Kwayothe's Library, where Megamen uses it to open a secret passage.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe #FlamingFist #PiratesOfChult #MerchantPrinces Megamen finds a map of Jahaka Anchorage and documents showing correspondence with Liara Portyr, the Flaming Fist in charge of Fort Beluarian. These missives describe in detail Kwayothe’s coordination with both the Flaming Fist and the pirates to undermine Port Nyanzaru and the other Merchant Princes.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe As Vivi attempts to leave the office downstairs, she runs headlong into Indar. She uses the threat of the Nullstone exposing him as an incubus to keep him at bay. As she pushes him toward the courtyard, she finally jumps forward, causing his human disguise to melt away.
008 #battle #TakeDownKwayothe A fight breaks out in the courtyard. Ixis charms Zindar, forcing him to unleash his draconic magic upon the party. Despite this, the party rallies and fights the two devils. Ixis and Indar, sensing defeat is imminent, open a portal to another plane and escape.
008 #TakeDownKwayothe #FlamingFist As it becomes clear the battle is lost and Kwayothe is exposed, the undercover Flaming Fist operative Korhie Donadrue assassinates Kwayothe and flees from the Gala.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The party has a tense exchange in the courtyard, as Selu accuses them of being involved in Kwayothe's murder. Wakanga O'tamu intervenes on the party's behalf and extricates them as the authorities arrive.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces Wakanga O'tamu invites the party to stay the night as his villa. On the way to his place, they tell him about the documents they found outlining Kwayothe's betrayal of the other Merchant Princes.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces The following morning, the party meets with Jessamine. They make the case for keeping the documents with Wakanga O'tamu as evidence in front of the Goldenthrone. Jessamine agrees so it doesn’t appear she was involved in the acquisition of the documents.
009 #TakeDownKwayothe #MerchantPrinces #RedWizards #HelpingZitembe Jessamine gives the party gold, a pair of magic boots and information about the Red Wizards of Thay. She tells them they are here primarily because of the Death Curse. She says they are also looking for the Crimson Demon clan leader Artus Cimber, due to the rumor of a powerful artifact in his possession. She also promises to drive the Red Wizards out of the city in order to aid Grandfather Zitembe.

Dumpster Diving

005 #DumpsterDiving Megumin wants to find black market spells to aid in their shopping experience. The party wanders into the Old City where they encounter Pockmarked Po, one of the Beggar Princes. He agrees to source the black market spell in exchange for the party clearing out a monster in the nearby Refuse Pit.
005 #DumpsterDiving Pockmarked Po tells the party the monster appeared shortly after the death of a local mage Morrowick, who succumbed to the Death Curse.
005 #battle #death #DumpsterDiving The party explores the Refuse Pit and faces off with a Gibbering Mouther. The monster pulls Megumin in close with its tentacles and kills her on a critical strike. The party defeats the creature and finds a ring with the engraving M.T. inside of its corpse. The party mourns Megumin's death.
005 #DumpsterDiving The party returns to Pockmarked Po who gives them their reward (gold and the black market spell). He also gives them the contact of a dinosaur handler, Cenisara, who will lend them a dinosaur for the races if they tell him Pockmarked Po sent them.

Executioner's Run

004 #ExecutionersRun The party's investigation is cut short by the arrival of the city guard, who issue an arrest warrant for charming the dock customs agent. Outnumbered, the party surrenders and are brought to Executioner's Run for swift justice.
004 #ExecutionersRun Executioner’s Run is a gauntlet of puzzles, traps, and monsters that is a popular way to execute criminals in Port Nyanzaru. Prisoners who make it through the gauntlet are absolved of their crimes and re-integrated into society. It is a well-attended blood sport event for the locals and even some of the Merchant Princes.
004 #battle #ExecutionersRun #MerchantPrinces With the day's gauntlet being overseen by the Merchant Prince Jessamine, the party successfully battles its way through a series of traps, obstacles and monsters before reaching the end with no fatalities - a first in the Run's history! This impressed Jessamine.

Get to Chult

002 #GetToChult At the Low Lantern Tavern, they encountered a tortle named Moorvark--a native of Chult--who agreed to be the navigator on Captain Curry's ship in exchange for 50gp. The party attempted to haggle with Moorvark but was unsuccessful and agreed to his terms.
002 #GetToChult #Harpers #MerchantPrinces Upon arriving at her manor, Syndra Silvane gave the party a brief primer on what to expect in the jungles of Chult as well as a valuable map of the region. She gave them an additional potion of healing and sent them by boat - asking the party to seek out Wakanga O'tamu, one of the powerful Merchant Princes in Port Nyanzaru and ally to the Harpers.
002 #GetToChult The party set sail on Captain Curry's ship the Ruthless - so named because the Captain's wife, Ruth, hated to sail. Moorvark revealed to the party that they needed to get tribute to Aremag the Dragon Turtle.
002 #battle #GetToChult On day two, the party encountered a group of Kuo-toa pirates on Di K'bute Atoll. They raided the kuo-toa hideout in order to get treasure for Aremag's tribute. After disarming a trapped chest and recovering the loot, the party set sail once again toward Chult.
003 #battle #PiratesOfChult #GetToChult During the final day of sea travel, the party was accosted by pirates. Moorvark recognized the ship as the Stirge, a Chultan pirate ship captained by Laskilar. The ship took damage as Laskilar’s mad sea priest, Caldos Hellingskorn, wrought elemental power down on them. As the party put up more of a fight than the pirates expected, the Stirge broke away and retreated.
003 #death #GetToChult As the ship made its final approach into the Bay of Chult, they were stopped by Aremag, the dragon turtle, who demanded tribute for safe passage. Despite having the treasure from their earlier exploits, Captain Curry refused to pay the tribute and demanded Aremag back down. Aremag killed Captain Curry by boiling him alive and the party promptly paid the tribute.
003 #GetToChult At last the party made it to the bustling Chultan city of Port Nyanzaru! Satisfied with his successful navigation to Chult, Moorvark slid into the ocean as the rest of the crew disembarked.

Death Cellar

001 #DeathCellar #Harpers The party was approached by Syndra Silvane - a masked woman who was also affected by the death curse. With the promise of gold and the possibility to learn more about the curse that struck down Amber, the party took part in a scheme by the Harpers to steal the phylactery of Zaldara, the Duchess of Rot, in a bid to extract information from the lich.
001 #DeathCellar #DeathCurse The party was accompanied by the Harper Gerard as they took a boat down the Sword Coast to Cloakwood. They infiltrated the lich's lair while the Harpers led a frontal assault against the Tower. During this infiltration, the party learned that Marcus Rhodesseus, their cohort, was also afflicted by the curse.
001 #battle #death #DeathCellar Deftly dispatching the lich's minions and traps, the party made their way through the Death Cellar. They picked up the Zaldara's discarded familiar, Elonast, who had been imprisoned for decades by the lich. Elonast guided them to the location of Zaldara's phylactery: a trapped chamber guarded by a specter. In a desperate bid to destroy the foul being, Marcus Rhodesseus lost his life. Despite the party's losses, they were victorious in stealing Zaldara's phylactery: her spellbook.
001 #DeathCellar After leaving the cellar, the Harper Gerard teleported the party to the entrance of the tower, where battle between the Harpers and the Zaldara's undead forces continued to rage. The conflict ceased as the lich was drawn out by the revelation that the party had control of her phylactery. The party then negotiated with the lich: her phylactery back in exchange for information about the death curse.
001 #DeathCellar #DeathCurse Zaldara accepted the party's terms and told them and the Harpers what she knew: that the Death Curse is from a fantastically powerful soul-harvesting artifact called the Soulmonger. She did not know who had activated it, but that its focus of power seemed to be emanating from the jungle peninsula of Chult. After the information was divulged, the party reneged on its deal with Zaldara and the lich was struck down three magic missiles.
001 #DeathCellar #StopTheDeathCurse The information successfully obtained, Syndra Silvane rewarded the party with gold and asked for them to meet her at her domicile in three days' time in Baldur's Gate - where she will task the party with a quest to seek out the Soulmonger and put a stop to the Death Curse. The party agreed and set sail for Baldur's Gate.

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